Bulgarian Slivatree - The Noblesse Oblige Award

I make is a rule not to accept nominations form other bloggers and there have been a few, but recently there was one from Windmill at http://dfoolonthehill.com/.

I have decided to take this nomination up because I respect Windmill and look up to him as a blogger for his diverse and interesting daily accounts and observations on all matters that concern him and others. Windmill or Windy as some call him is always friendly, loyal and approachable in all communication.

I would like to nominate Martyn from Beyond The Mango Juice. Although not technically an expatriate, he might as well be with his cleverly constructed articles. I always look forward to his posts as I know I will not only be enlightening from tales of Thailand, but thoroughly entertained without fail as his humour and on the mark observations and knowledge hits on all the right buttons.

Beyond The Mango Juice

putting together life’s jigsaw in North East Thailand

A recent post about Thai Ladyboys - Pattaya, is a classic example and is the last in a series of account about Thailand and sex for sale. You might understand that this is quite a sensitive subject, but dealt with superbly without being course and of course always entertaining. Martyn is one of the friendliest bloggers you will ever meet and I feel this award is more than well deserved on this ocassion. I recommend you visit his blog and follow it you may be missing some classic posts otherwise.

The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:

1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award.
2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post.

  • The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
  • The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
  • There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
  • The Blog is refreshing and creative.
  • The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved, preferably citing one or more older posts to support it.

4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions.

5. The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.


  1. Martin thank you for a wonderful and most pleasing award, I'm truly touched. I have always enjoyed writing and started at a very young age. Poetry, short stories, song lyrics and now my blog, this is my first award, so a big thank you. I will do my best to pass on the award to someone most deserving and I have a definite person in mind.
    One question I must ask is what timespan I have to carry out this pleasurable task as I'm off to Thailand in 30 hours time. I hope the timescale will allow me to write my post to the recipient of the Noblesse Oblige Award whilst in the Land of Smiles. Once again thank you for the award. Martyn.

  2. Martin in Bulgaria11 May 2009 at 07:11

    Hi Martyn,
    I glad you want to take it on. In you own time, there is no deadline and have a save and pleasureable adventure on your travels. Let's hope the smiling is infectious.

  3. Hi Martin,

    Mama Mia! you've just sanctified me. Now, I have to throw it back at you Sir!

    We're birds of the same feather, blogging together - though it may sound better if I type is as "to get her". LOL!!!

    God Bless you Always and Keep you Safe from harm!!!

  4. Hi Martin,
    Congrats!!! I'm happy you accepted this award...you deserve it...you've always got some very interesting reads here!!! You also support the rest of us...and that's what blogging is all about--being part of the community!!

    I'm definitely going to check out the blogs you have mentioned here...they sound great!!!

    Have a great day,
    Sher :0)

  5. Nowt wrong with an award Martin, it's a good excuse for a party. On the other hand talking of parties....

    In my first few days in Thailand Bangkok, a friend and I go up to a Volkswagon van transformed into a cocktail bar. We grab a menu as the bartenders are bent down stocking the fridge. The first thing we see is on the top line of the menu is Bangkok Ladyboy. We laughed out loud like to silly school girls and asked the bartender for 'two Bangkok Ladyboys'. To our enormous surprise when the bartenders popped their heads up to serve us, you guessed it, it was two Bangkok Ladyboys. Being English you try and say sorry but we couldn't speak, infact I'm laughing like a little school girl now thinking about it. Cheers, Rich

  6. Martin in Bulgaria12 May 2009 at 13:21

    Hi Sher,
    You are kind.
    It the truth be known there is more pleausre in giving rather than receiving in this world. If only everyone knew that fact.

  7. Martin in Bulgaria12 May 2009 at 13:27

    Hi Rich,
    Haven't heard that word 'Nowt' for a while, lots of Northerners here in BG, but I generally don't mingle with Brits here.

    Thanks for your suggestion of a party - We're quite booked up on parties here in BG as you know another one I suppose wouldn't make any difference. Rakia supplies are running low right now though - Disaster, can't wait for cherries to ripen for another batch!

    Ladyboys on tap? Mmmm I'd rather be Hemling! (An old catch phrase for a non alcoholic drink a number of years ago) Good crack you had though. Would make a good blog post!

    Take Care

  8. Why is Martyn not a true expat?

  9. Martin in Bulgaria12 May 2009 at 22:04

    Perhaps I should have rephrased it slightly better. How about Martyn is currently a part-time Expat physically, but mentally a 100% Expat!

    There was no snobbery or one upmanship attached I assure you.

  10. Oh! You mean because he is back in the UK??? Got it.



Expat Blog Award