Bulgarian Trees

Trees in Bulgaria are the pillars of the land, respected by Bulgarians to the hilt from village to Central Government - A refreshing change in this world of waste and selfish profit making.

The tree has a wealth of uses to the Bulgarian and a replanting policy throughout the country will ensure the tree covered areas stay at around 30% of the area of Bulgaria.

Where do we start with the use of the tree? The warmth from the fire giving heating in the winter and cooking at all times, the most effective a green method of heat emission known from mineral sources. Wood burnt produces carbon dioxide, this is feed for trees and as long as the balance is kept Bulgaria remains pollution free from wood burning activities.

Tree bear fruits, nuts, berries, tea and various other goodies not only for human consumption but for animal feed and a renewable source each year. The fallen leaves provide more feed and fertility for the ground they rot on.

Wood is the staple diet of the Bulgarian home and surroundings from fencing to brooms, from toothpicks to propelled burning rockets and from rabbit traps to car jacks. Hanging goats and sheep from trees when skinning them, shaved twigs to clean out intestines and even using then as a swing for children, the list goes on.All hand made in most cases.

Cart pulled by horse and donkey are essentially wooden and many chassis on these popular and working means of transport are still made of wood.

Dead wood is collected and is a natural waste product used bu Bulgarians, this collection of dead wood for heating is legal and is common practice throughout the year.

Shaded areas for all that need it in the hot summer climate, a cooler areas for crops to grow, humans and animals to shelter and a haven for birds and insects alike.

Where would Bulgarian dogs go without a Bulgarian tree? Leaning on to talk and stub a cigarette out, falling asleep under them, giving it an odd kick when in a mood and using them to hide from the wife after a few rakias are just a few of the uses I have personally seen in my village.

The list really is endless.

On a more serious note the the tree and the wood from it is what Bulgaria is made from. It still is a wood cultured society with the main components of housing made from wooden structures, even wooden scaffolding and supports for concrete walls and ceilings in new apartment block going up.

Finally, and only really having passing comments on the topic, where would the the Bulgarians be without their beloved Slivatree, now where have I heard that name before?




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