Flies In Bulgaria - They've Won

Flies In Bulgaria - They've WonFlies in Bulgaria are accepted as part and parcel of life here. Bulgarian’s just aren’t bothered about them as they have the free run of the place. From April to October flies are around everywhere and they are really cheeky with it.

Now I come from a culture where cleanliness is paramount, if a fly is in the house everything else stops unit that fly is either ushered out or exterminated the latter the preferable option for me. I know flies are on this earth for a reason and we would be sky high in sewerage without them, but there is a time and place for flies that doesn’t correspond very well with me. With this mind of flies out of my environment, this is one instance where the disadvantages of being in a climate that is perfect for flies. I have adjusted to most things here and made headway with the fly problem, but I still have a long way to go to accepting them as permanent guests wherever I am.

My home is still a fly free place, there have been provisions put in to prevent flies entering with fly screens on every window and the only entrance, this works very well. If there happens to be one that sneaks in there is the battery hand vacuum to suck it up, I don’t use chemicals sprays purely down to the cost. Eating food and drink in the house presents no problems if left uncovered and unattended – I feel very happy with this.

Turning to my Bulgarian family, friends and neighbours they have had a history of flies, whether they originally tried to fight them and just gave up knowing that they wouldn’t win I don’t know. I know they are fully aware of the germs flies carry around and the dirty business they leave on the food left around, but that is no worry for them. There is absolutely no panic involved in seeing a fly on food, on their arm or leg or in the house. The flies are left free to do what they want without any retaliation from Bulgarians and that is something I find quite alien.

If a fly lands on my leg I swipe it instantaneously, I never get it and it is free to roam again. Flies on my food and in my drink if seen would trigger and immediate reaction again to swipe and get them off, then think twice about eating the food they have just been on. When first coming here, I’d never eat food that I knew a fly had landed on unless it can be washed i.e. fruit. I have now accepted that I would starve to death if I kept this up when dining out or with other Bulgarian’s homes. There is now a new Martin that accepts that you have to go with the flow eating and drinking with the knowledge that flies have had the first course. I still feel quite uneasy about this, but it is getting easier as time goes by.

Flies In Bulgaria - They've WonI know that food that is presented to guests in Bulgarian restaurants and flies have has had flies as guests beforehand, this is unavoidable and you have to accept that. Many people here just can’t understand why I have such a problem with flies being around. I explain the reason of hygiene and they understand. Then they explain that this is not a problem and if no one has been ill or has suffered from food that has been visited by flies why should I worry. I have no answer to that, in fact even though I have an obvious cultural phobia with flies I do believe that missing with a few germs helps build up you immune system and it is with that knowledge I accept food that flies have tampered with.

Eating with my good neighbour friends outside in the village in the height of summer is a bit like going through a round of Survivor. Their home is right next to the village rubbish tip and the flies we get there both in and out of the house are unfounded. We spend lots of time with them and the friendship we have with them overrides any fear of flies, but it is a relief indeed for us to get back into out home next door inside in the fly free zone. Even Galia freely admits that the swarms of flies that we all have to endure with our neighbours are extremely uncomfortable and she is glad to get home. Again we know for sure that the flies have invaded food whilst being prepared but is still beats any food in the UK. Flies are of course all part of nature here, why shouldn’t I accept that like the Bulgarians. I stress once again, not once have we been ill or suffered form the food we have eaten there. It is prepared and eaten fresh on a daily basis therefore there is no time for any incubation. Problems lies with in correctly stored food over days and that’s where the health problems lie.

Finally, it is a strange phenomenon, but if there are a group of people (Bulgarians) sitting with me, flies always seem to land or hover around me. Whether this is because I have a different scent than I don’t know, it is quite annoying that the person that finds it hard to accept flies around gets this treatment.

Does anyone else in warm climates have a problem with flies? If so how do they deal with it?

Top Image: www.rescue.com
Bottom Image: www.wikimedia.org
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  1. Martin,I think, I hate them almost as much as you do ,we have screens on all windows and doors and our home is a fly free zone , we very seldom in the summer eat on the ourdoor patio for that reason . All my Thai neighbors have outdoor kitchens and they eat every meal ,summer and winter out doors , I get invited to eat with them a lot and I always try to get out of it if at all possible , but there are times when I can't and I cring every time a fly lands on my food .I pray a lot ha ha .
    we went to a really nice restaurant the other day for La La's B-day and there were so many flys that I had a really hard time just staying there till the meal and celebration was finished , I finally had to tell the owner to bring a huge fan and have it blow on me to keep them away . I HATE THEM, but what can I do , just like you just go with the flow . Malcolm

  2. American in Britain22 July 2009 at 20:59

    I believe that most people in the "developed" world would have a phobia about flies on their food. Even those from developing or under-developed areas quickly learn to adapt to the Western hygeine, even if they don't necessarily become fanatical about it. It is true that exposure could strengthen your immunity, but you can't rely on that. It probably wouldn't hurt to eat food that has been briefly touched by a fly, but one that has settled would have me think twice about it. Some people might say that they've never been sick by it, but can they be sure that if they have random diarrhea it might not be the cause? Flies bother me, but mosquitoes can be deadly. Why doesn't Britain adopt screens?

  3. Romancing Italy23 July 2009 at 23:08

    I don't know if I could learn to live with flies like you have. When I was in France, there were so many flies that were dogged about landing on the bread that I got tired of shooing them away and decided to never eat the basket of bread or baguettes they brought to the table. I didn't think of the 'landing time' and suppose it counts the same as things that fall on the floor...if you pick it within x number of seconds, it's still clean!!!!!! :-)

  4. Heather Dugan "Footsteps"24 July 2009 at 14:36

    I try not to complain if I encounter insects outdoors, but I won't let any linger in my home. I'll kill flies, mosquitoes and wasps/hornets, but try to send the occasional spider back outside again.

  5. Hey Martin, one thing that I notice in London is that there are rarely flies over here. I attribute that to the milder temperature here. Where I come from, flies breed like nobody's business due to the hot and humid weather. I spent a couple of months in Northern Thailand a couple of years back, they trap flies using a a sticky sweet smelling tar-like substance. Not sure what's that exactly but it works wonders.

  6. Hi, i leave in Germany and lately it was very hot- i wanted to buy a muffin from one backery, that is placed outside in the summer and there was flies, beens etc. all ove the breats and cookies and suff... so i didn`t both noting. It is difficult, but i think the people, who makes money with the food they are slling, should be more careful...



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